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Comprehensive Cosmetic & Medical Dermatology, Aesthetic Laser Services, Botox, Dermal Filler and PDO Thread & MedSpa in Jacksonville and Ponte Vedra Beach, FL

Red and inflamed skin on your face could be due to rosacea. If you have rosacea symptoms, Board-certified dermatologist Sanjiva Goyal, MD, of Coastal Dermatology & Medspa in Jacksonville and Ponte Vedra Beach, Florida, can help. Dr. Goyal and his team offer effective treatments to relieve inflammation and reduce redness. Call the office nearest you to learn more about rosacea treatment, or book an appointment online today.

Rosacea Q & A

What is rosacea?

Rosacea is a common type of skin blemish that occurs when the skin changes color. It makes your facial blood vessels more noticeable and causes reddened skin. If you have mild rosacea, you might just think that your skin is naturally redder.

Sometimes people with rosacea have small red bumps on their skin that can contain pus. Because of this, you might think you have acne or another skin condition.

Rosacea is more common in women with light skin. It often appears or worsens during middle age.


What causes rosacea?

The root cause of rosacea isn’t clear, but it’s likely that there’s a genetic link because rosacea tends to run in families. Environmental factors could also play a part.

Rosacea tends to flare up in response to certain triggers, which can include:

  • Heat or cold
  • Sunlight
  • Wind
  • Hot drinks
  • Spicy foods
  • Red wine
  • Intense emotions
  • Exercise
  • Blood pressure medications
  • Certain cosmetic products

If you have redness or other rosacea symptoms, the Coastal Dermatology & Medspa team can examine your skin and make a diagnosis. You can then get the most appropriate treatment for your condition.


How is rosacea treated?

If your rosacea is mild and doesn’t bother you, treatment isn’t necessary. If the condition is causing issues, Dr. Goyal can prescribe medications to reduce rosacea symptoms.

For mild to moderate rosacea, creams or gels that constrict your facial blood vessels can help reduce redness. If you have troublesome rosacea pimples, you could benefit from antibiotic creams and anti-inflammatory medications. You might need an oral antibiotic for moderate to severe rosacea. 


Could I benefit from laser therapy for my rosacea?

Laser therapy uses light energy to improve the appearance of your skin. Lasers can reduce thickened skin and the dilated blood vessels that cause skin redness.

While the treatment doesn’t cure rosacea, you might benefit from laser therapy if you’re concerned about the blemishes caused by rosacea.

If you have rosacea, the Coastal Dermatology & Medspa team offers timely diagnosis and effective treatments that minimize your symptoms. Call the office nearest you to schedule a consultation or book an appointment online today.